
Concept of Local Symmetry

Map of Istanbul

Strategic importance of Istanbul

Region of Anatolia

Range of the Ottoman Empire

Osman I

Orhan Gazi - son of Osman I

Markets and Cami of central Bursa, c 1400

Orhan Cami in Bursa

Orhan Cami in Bursa

Imaret of Mehmed I in Bursa

Turbe (tomb) of Mehmed I in Bursa

Koza Han (Silk Market) in Bursa

Mehmed II a.k.a. Fatih the Conquerer

Fatih Cami, begun 1463 (image dates to 1559)

Fatih imaret

View to Topkapi about 1838

View to Topkapi 20th C. postcard

Map of Istanbul, 1573

Map of Istanbul, 1807

Overall view of Topkapi Saray

Aerial view from other direction with Hagia Sofia in foreground

View of the Topkapi precinct

Imperial Gate at Topkapi Saray

Gate of Salutation in Topkapi Saray

Gate of Salutation in Topkapi Saray

The Diwan of Topkapi

Harem of Topkapi

Harem of Topkapi - the plan

Courtyard of the eunuchs

Gate of Felicity in Topkapi

Enderun College in Topkapi

Tower of Justice in Topkapi

Rumeli Hisar fortress near Istanbul

Rumeli Hisar historical photograph

A model of Rumeli Hisar

Hagia Sofia

Istanbul c 1900 with Cami Suleyman upper right

Cami Suleyman in Istanbul by Sinan

The domes of the Sehzade Mosque