
Map of Tenochtitlan prior to Cortez

Reconstruction of Tenochtitlan prior to Cortez

Reconstruction of Tenochtitlan prior to Cortez

The chinampas floating agricultural plots

Mexico City today

Mexico City Cathedral dominates the central square

Ruins of Tenochtitlan in the central square

Slave trade map

Autobiography of Olaudah Equiano

Autobiography of Olaudah Equiano

Plan of Mount Vernon plantation in Virginia

Mount Vernon elevation

Mount Vernon as painted by Latrobe in 1796 when he visited GW

Stratford Hall planatation main house with Ha-Ha wall in foreground

Diagram of a Ha-Ha landscape wall

Stratford Hall planatation main house - simple, clean Georgian style (with no temple front)

Westover plantation on the James River - Georgian

Westover plantation on the James River - Georgian

Slave quarters at Ben Venue near Sperryville VA

Plan of Williamsburg (c 1700)

Plan of Williamsburg annotated (c 1700)

Reconstruction of the Williamsburg Capitol (original c 1700)

Reconstruction of the Williamsburg Governor's Residence (original c 1700)

The College is William & Mary (1693)

Georgian architecture - Massachusetts Hall at Harvard

Georgian architecture

The typical Ward unit of Savannah, enabling easy growth of the city

Plan of Savannah (1734)

Plan of Savannah

Plan of Savannah

Plan of Savannah - time lapse of city growth

Plan of New Haven (1737)

Plan of New Haven (1737)

Plan of New Haven (1737) note the direction of the perspective

20th century view of the New Haven central green with the three churches

Plan of Cambridge MA (1735)

Plan of Philadelphia by William Penn (1681) drawn by Holme

The typical Charleston Single

The typical Charleston Single

Faneuil Hall in Boston, late 19th photograph

Faneuil Hall in Boston late 18th century

Faneuil Hall in Boston today

Redwood Library in Newport RI (1748)