
A 1500 century medieval market in Montpazier

Bruges city walls expanded

Belfry in Bruges

Waterhalle in Bruges

Montpazier, France - gothic town plan

San Giovanni Valdarno, Italy

Carcassonne, France

Section of Durham Cathedral

Five sections of cathedrals ranging from Romanesque to Gothic

Diagrams of Romanesque versus Gothic arch

The Round Arch

The Ogive Arch (a.k.a. Pointed Arch)

Diagrams of vaulting

Diagrams of vaulting

Diagram of vaulting types

Diagram of a Gothic Cathedral

Diagram of Amiens Cathedral

Diagram of Laon Cathedral

Diagram of Chartres Cathedral

Abbot Suger

St. Denis plan

St. Denis choir and apse

St. Denis chevet

St. Denis chevet

St. Denis wheel or rose window

St. Denis west facade

St. Denis before north tower dismantled

St. Denis archivolts

Tombs of kings in St. Denis

Laon Cathedral west facade

Laon Cathedral plan

Laon Cathedral

Laon Cathedral archivolt portals

Laon Cathedral vaulting

Laon Cathedral

Chartres Cathedral

Notre Dame of Paris

Notre Dame of Paris

Quasimodo and Esmerelda from Notre Dame of Paris

Quasimodo and Esmerelda from Notre Dame of Paris

Quasimodo from Notre Dame of Paris

Notre Dame of Paris drawing by Viollet le Duc