Diagram of a Gothic Cathedral

Roman or Romanesque Arch versus a Gothic Arch

Groin Vault versus a Ribbed Vault

Diagram of a Ribbed Arch

Section of Durham Cathedral

Scale comparison of Durham Cathedral versus four Gothic Cathedrals

Abbot Suger

Looking down the nave of St. Denis toward the choir

Plan of the chevet of St. Denis

Interior view of the chevet of St. Denis

Rose Window of St. Denis

West Facade of the Cathedral of Laon

West Facade of the Cathedral of Chartres

West Facade of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris

Rear view of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris

Rayonnant detail of Sainte Chapelle

Master Builder Honnecourt

Master Builder Williams of Sens

Cologne Cathedral

West Facade of the Cathedral of Chartres

West Facade of the Romanesque Cathedral St. Etienne in Caen

Plan of St. Denis showing phases of improvements

Facades of Cathedral of St. Denis versus the Cathedral of Laon