
Understanding design analogy

St. Gall

St. Gall codex

St. Gall codex

St. Gall

St. Gall

Cluny III

Cluny III and St. Gall comparison

Cluny III (extant)

Cluny III (extant)

plan of Cluny III

Wooden model of Cluny III

Wooden model of Cluny III

Elevation of Cluny III

Section of Cluny III

Cluny III - five-bay Romanesque

Abbey of Cluny III

chevet at Cluny III

chevet at Cluny III

chevet at Fontevrault

chevet at St. Denis

chevet at St. Denis

St. Bernard and the Cistercians

Le Thoronet

Le Thoronet

The Normans

Mont Saint Michel

Mont Saint Michel

Mont Saint Michel

Cloister at Mont Saint Michel

William the Conquerer

St. Etienne

St. Etienne

Durham Cathedral

Durham Cathedral

Durham Cathedral

Durham Cathedral

Comparative sections of cathedrals